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1. Hot as an oven 热得像一个烤箱

2. Boiling hot 煮沸般的炎热

3. Sweltering 热得难以忍受

4. Scorching 灼热的

5. Sizzling 炙热的

6. Blistering 酷热的

7. Roasting 炎热的

8. Steaming 蒸汽般的炎热



1. "Scorching heat of the dog days" - This phrase is commonly used to describe the intense heat of the summer season, especially during the hottest period known as the "dog days" or "三伏天".

2. "Sweltering temperatures during San Fu Tian" - San Fu Tian, which translates to "three periods of extreme heat", is another term used to refer to the hottest days of summer in Chinese culture. This phrase can be used to convey the intense and oppressive heat experienced during this time.

3. "Burning hot days of summer" - This simple phrase effectively captures the idea of extreme heat during summer, with the added emphasis on how it can feel like being burned by the sun.

4. "Blistering hot weather in midsummer" - Midsummer is a term often associated with the peak of summer season, and adding "blistering hot weather" emphasizes just how intense and uncomfortable it can be.

5. "Searing heat during peak summer months" - The word "searing" paints a vivid picture of intense and scorching heat, making it a fitting description for the hottest period of summer.

6. "Unbearable temperatures during high summer" - This phrase conveys not only the extreme heat but also how difficult it can be to endure such high temperatures for an extended period.

7. "Oppressive heatwaves in summertime" - Heatwaves are common during summertime, and using this phrase highlights how they can bring about oppressive levels of heat that are hard to escape from.

8. "Intense summertime heatwave conditions" - Similar to the previous phrase, this one emphasizes both the intensity and duration of a heatwave during summertime.

9. "Scalding hot weather in peak summer season" - The word "scalding" suggests not only intense heat but also discomfort or pain caused by it, making it a powerful description for the hottest days of summer.

10. "Fiery temperatures during the height of summer" - This phrase paints a picture of intense heat that is almost unbearable, with the added imagery of fire to emphasize its intensity


1. Describing the heat

- It's scorching hot during the dog days of summer.

- The sweltering weather during the hottest days of summer is unbearable.

- The intense heat of midsummer is suffocating.

- The blistering sun makes it feel like an oven outside.

- The oppressive heat of the dog days can be overwhelming.

2. Comparing to other seasons

- Summer is the hottest season of the year, especially during the dog days.

- The heat during midsummer is much more intense compared to other seasons.

- The scorching temperatures during the dog days make it feel like winter was just a distant memory.

- The heat and humidity during midsummer can be compared to a sauna.

3. Using idioms and expressions

- It's so hot you could fry an egg on the sidewalk!

- It feels like we're in a furnace during these dog days.

- I'm melting in this blazing heat!

- These sweltering temperatures are making me sweat buckets!

- I'm wilting in this oppressive humidity.

4. Describing physical sensations

- I can feel my skin burning under the relentless sun.

- The heat is making me feel dizzy and faint.

- My clothes are sticking to my body from all this sweating.

- My throat feels parched and dry from the scorching temperatures.

- I can't stop sweating, even in the shade.

5. Talking about activities or actions in hot weather

- It's too hot to do anything but sit in front of a fan or air conditioner.

- When it's this hot, all you want to do is take a dip in a pool or lake.

- We have to be careful not to get dehydrated in this extreme heat.

- Drinking ice-cold water is essential for surviving these dog days of summer.

- I'm avoiding going outside as much as possible during this intense heat.

6. Using weather-related words

- The heatwave during the dog days is causing record-breaking temperatures.

- The thermometer is reaching dangerous levels during these scorching hot days.

- We're experiencing a heat index of over 100 degrees during the dog days.

- The humidity is making the already hot temperatures feel even more unbearable.

- The sun is beating down on us with full force during these midsummer days.

7. Describing the time of day

- The hottest part of the day is usually between noon and 3 pm during the dog days.

- It's especially hot in the late afternoon when the sun is at its peak.

- Early morning and late evening are the only times when it's somewhat bearable outside.

- Nights can be just as hot as days during these dog days of summer.

- Even at midnight, it feels like an oven outside.

8. Using metaphors

- It's like living in a sauna during these sweltering summer days.

- The heat is like a weight pressing down on us, making it hard to breathe.

- I feel like I'm walking through a desert in this intense heat.

- It's as if we're living on the surface of the sun during these dog days of summer.

- This heat is like a blanket that we just can't escape from.

9. Describing clothing choices

- It's too hot for anything but shorts and tank tops during these midsummer days.

- Wearing light, breathable fabrics is essential for surviving this intense heat.

- Hats and sunglasses are necessary accessories to protect from the blazing sun.

- I'm avoiding dark colors because they absorb too much heat in this weather.

- Even wearing sunscreen doesn't fully protect from the burning rays of the sun.

10. Using exaggeration

- These dog days are making me feel like I'm living in hell!

- The heat is so intense, I'm starting to question if I'm actually on Earth.

- It's like the sun is trying to fry us alive during these scorching hot days.

- This heat is unbearable, I feel like I'm going to melt into a puddle.

- I can't take another day of this brutal heat!


1. 热得像蒸笼一样


2. 汗流不止


3. 火辣辣的


4. 酷似沙漠


5. 疲惫不堪


6. 没有胃口


7. 睡不着


8. 神经紧绷


9. 脱水危机


10. 忍受不了



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